Posts Tagged ‘Lady Wisdom’

“Words of Wisdom”—a daily dose of “words to the wise”–Day 7

May 21, 2013
This blog entry is the first in a series featuring "a daily dose of “words to the wise,” poetically expressed from the Book of Proverbs.

This blog entry is another in a series featuring a daily dose of “words to the wise,” poetically expressed from the Book of Proverbs.

This morning as I start to think about wisdom in Proverbs, I recognized that wisdom is portrayed as a woman in the first nine chapters of the book, as the entire message concludes with the 31st chapter which offers the magnificent portrait of the epitome of wisdom displayed in the “virtuous woman.”

Lady Wisdom

In researching the personification of wisdom as a woman, I discovered a discussion by Bryony Taylor, who asks, “Why is wisdom personified as a woman in the Old Testament book of Proverbs?” The text is an undergraduate essay that she wrote for her BA in Theology & Ministry. One of her references speaks of the image of “Lady Wisdom,” a term that I use in the poetic entry for the daily dose of “words to the wise” for Day 7:

Come, Dine with Lady Wisdom

Come and dine with me,” Jesus said.      

Come and dine with me,” Jesus said.

“I’ve prepared a table to set before you. “

“Come and dine with me,” Jesus said.

 Ambassador Academy Blessing

 Riches and honor are with me,
enduring wealth and righteousness.

[New American Standard Bible] Proverbs 8:18


Come, dine with Lady Wisdom, consummate hostess.

She invites you to partake of her sumptuous feast.

All who eat at her table will know great success.

For Wisdom is principal: the first and not the least.

Come, be satisfied at her banqueting table.

Eat and drink—those who hunger and thirst she will fill

With fruit from above—gentle, pure and peaceable.

To give long life is the pleasure of her perfect will.

Come, buy without money and purchase without price.

The gracious Lady freely gives to those who ask.

From her bounty she has more than enough to suffice.

Your goblet will ever overflow from her flask.

“Come and dine with me, Wisdom calls throughout the lands.

Glory, honor, wealth and favor flow from her hands.

Today’s blog entry concludes with a YouTube video of a tribute for Mother’s Day 2007 from Cornerstone City Church, containing excerpts from the God’s Word Translation of Proverbs 31 with background music.