Posts Tagged ‘Good Friday’

All that Jesus Christ endured was more than enough

March 29, 2024

Today, March 29, 2024, on this “Good Friday,” as I was starting my morning devotional, I thought of a seminar I am taking related to financial education, and a  verse of scripture came to mind, as I am applying the principles that I have been learning in the seminar to my individual situation:

1 Corinthians 8:9

You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.

If at no other time of the year, this week celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we recognize the blessings and benefits that accrued to our deficit accounts as a result of the ultimate sacrifice of the precious Lamb of God. About fifteen years ago, while reflecting upon the passion of Jesus Christ, I expressed my thoughts in this original psalm:

More Than Enough

How much is enough?

Can you measure the length of each scar on his back?

Can you trace the depth of each gash and follow each track?

Can you extract and analyze sweat, like drops of blood?

Can you remove water and blood and then weigh the good?

Can you collect the tears and hold them in a vial?

Can you assess the shame and disgrace of a trumped-up trial?

How much is enough?

            One more mocking bow, one more man to spit in his face,

            One more taunting gesture, one more mark of disgrace.

            One more lash, one more gash, one more blow to the head,

            As he endured the cross, despising the shame as he bled.

            To smash once more, one blow short of certain death.

            He cried, “It is finished” then yielded his last breath.

How much is enough?

Who can assess the worth of his blood and establish a price

For the precious Lamb of God, unblemished, sinless sacrifice?

God’s bounty of mercy is sufficient. His deep love will suffice.

Despite the deficit, God balances each account to set it right.

Where sin once had free reign, now grace has abounded instead.

The Lord himself provided the Lamb, whom He raised from the dead.

In His gracious goodness, Jehovah-Jireh reminds us

That He is more than enough, yes, so much more than enough.

In personalizing the sacrifice of the Savior, I thought of this song with a similar title “More than Enough” performed by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.

Isaiah 53: Taking it personally

March 31, 2014

Isaiah 53-5

The Verse of the Day for May 31, 2014 is taken from Isaiah 53: 5-6:

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53 provides a portrait of “the Suffering Servant” and is often referenced during Holy Week, or the commemoration of the last week of Jesus Christ’s life on earth, which takes place during the same period as the Jewish Passover celebration. Such was the case in 1998 when Passover began at sunset on Good Friday, April 15. The congregation at my church at the time partook of the Lord Supper or Holy Communion, and although I had taken communion seemingly countless times prior to that particular occasion, I apprehended to a much greater degree the suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ and was inspired to compose this poem:

Taking It Personally
Isaiah 53

Cursed with a curse, He was hung on a tree.
The suffering servant bartered for a price,
Battered and bruised for my iniquity.
Behold the Lamb, unblemished sacrifice,
Offered once, Jesus Christ, my Passover.
Afflicted, stricken, smitten that God should
Freely pour out His mercy, moreover,
Lay on Him the chastisement of my peace.
From His side flowed water and sinless blood,
A new covenant established that I might cease
From dead works by a new and living way.
God’s good pleasure no longer concealed
But memorialized this solemn day.
Man of sorrows, with His stripes I am healed
In spirit, mind and body, for I am
Quickened and cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.

Listen to this recording of Isaiah 53: 3-7 set to music from Christian Worship & Scripture Songs (Esther Mui), words to consider deeply today.